Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The W.A.I. Family is Growing

I suppose we’ve been working toward this moment for a long time. I’ve known Jon Fisher for many years now, though we’ve never (yet) met in person. Jon and I became acquainted through an Ebert and Roeper Facebook group, and began networking our movie blogs. His delightful website, The Film Brief, has gone through many phases, looks, styles, functions. My own has gone through more. From ‘Go See a Movie’, to ‘Ghost on Screen’, and now as ‘Wide Angle Iris’, we have frequently sampled each others’ reviews, recorded podcasts debating our divergent opinions and convened annually for three years now to compile our Pantheon of the greatest films of all time. We linked to each others work on social media and grew each others’ web presence. We were two college kids on opposite ends of the world with a love of great film and a passion for the conversations they elicit. But over the years life has made the upkeep of our respective sites more difficult and inconvenient. Full time jobs and the burden of adult responsibilities post-graduation have slowed our output. And so it is with great pleasure now, that I announce that Jon and will be combining our efforts to maintain a single site, right here at WAI.

Jon is my ideal foil, irreverent, warm, empathetic to the myriad ways and reasons that people go to the movies, smitten by competence, gleeful and impartial in his conveyance of the joy, the thrill, the visceral immediacy of entertainment in the classical sense. In other words, everything I am not. In the closed chamber drama of amateur movie blogs, Jon is the sympathetic and eloquent Ebert to my smug, hard-nosed Siskel. Our friendship and collaborations are a frequent reminder of what drew me to movies in the first place.

Jon will begin contributing movie reviews soon, and we will push each other to maintain a formidable output. Be sure to keep an eye out for the 2013 Pantheon later this summer, and stop by in September when I live blog my trip to Australia to meet Jon face to face for the first time. Oh, and of course, check back in for the reviews. That is why we are here.

The motion is put forth that Wide Angle Iris be now a two-man operation. The motion is so adopted.

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